Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mocha's been to the beauty shop!

Our Mocha just doesn't cooperate when there is a camera involved!!!!!!! This pic does show her cute little curly forelock so I thought I would include this one too! She is such a character....when you are filling her water barrel she will take the hose & beg to be rinsed off, & she will turn so you can get all of her!
Mocha is kind of camera shy & she just wouldn't look this way! for her pictures......:/ Look how shiny she is! Bonnie gave her a bath. Mocha is in her 30's & has an old knee injury has you can see in this pic of the bump on her left knee. She's an oldie but a goodie!

Here's Mocha after she had a body clip! Mocha was a fuzzy fuzzy girl, & now she will be ever so much cooler. She still loves to be rinsed off w/ the hose tho!

Bye for now,

Linda C.

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