Thursday, October 29, 2009

Delta Dawn gets a her feet trimmed!!!!!!

Our awesome Delta Dawn had her feet trimmed by our farrier, Cody Brawley, today! She was very good! This is Delta Dawn's bad leg & Cody is having a heck stretching it out to put it on the stand :(

She just couldn't hold it there for long, so Cody is letting her rest.
Cody did get her foot to stretch out forward to finish her Cody was doing this....he had to hold Delta Dawn up! She is actually leaning her weight on him!

Our volunteer Lou, is giving her much deserved pets, & lovin's too. Cody is pretty sure that her bad leg is fused at the ankle.

Delta Dawn seemed to be ever so grateful to have her "hoofacure". She enjoyed the rest of her afternoon browsing around the breeze way!
Bye for now,
Linda C.

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