Sunday, June 27, 2010

Excessorized goes to the Horse Expo!

Excessorized, had a few feelings about all the fussing going on to get ready to go to the Western States Horse Expo! She all ready had 'posed' for the pretty picture of her in the yellow halter, BUT, that wasn't good enough for Safe Haven's Volunteer, Bonnie!!!! She insisted we take pics of her in her new bridle!!!! So, as you scroll down to see all of this pic, you will see Sessie's, OPINION, on the matter!!!!!
TOO CUTE! This was taken a few days before we were leaving, & the next pic, is of Drifter & Excessorized all leg padded, & fly sheeted, & fly masked, up for the journey to Sac! Drifter was too funny when he walked with his back leg pads on!! He thought he had to lift his legs WAY UP!!
We had two areas of display at the Expo, & this is the table we set up out in the Barns by Harrahs area. We are right next to our horses in the panel pen. The table looks a little bare CUZ..... we were out in GALE FORCE WINDS, (almost) & we had to tape everything down! LOL!
Excessorized, was 'in her element' at the Horse Expo! She had a blast meeting all the people who came by to see her, & learn her sad story w/ the happy ending! Poor old Drifter was a little overwhelmed by it all, & we kept him close to the back of the pen! & he got a lot greedy about the treats!!!! It was like DUDE! CHILL OUT! Sess is on her way to the front of the pen to do some Greetings!
In between talking to all the good horsey folks, I noticed that Excessorized was pretty darn interested in something! So I walked around to the other side to see what she was watching!
She was really intense, so after I saw what was going on in the Barn by Harrah's arena, I knew why! She said what are those things!!!! OMG! Do they come with that on their backs??????
Drifter said I don't know! But we better keep our eyes on 'em!!! They sure are different!!!! Look at those EARS!!! ...............Can ya guess???????.................
Yup! You're right!!!! Pack Mules!!!! It was quite a fine learning experience!!!
So after the mules, there was a little down time so to speak, & Linda was in the pen checking on Drifter. Giving him some extra Good Boy, you'll be okays!!!! & he was OK, right after a visit from the Expo VET!!! He was a little upset to his tummy, but after a little banamine, he settled right down! In the background you can see a vendors booth & we had the privilege of sharing space with.............................
John, of Buckaroo Leather Products!!!! He offered a free barn raffle ticket to anyone who bought a $1oo of his leather goods!!! John also came to the dinner,& wine tasting, fundraiser at the Hilton Hotel, we put on! Thanks John, You're awesome!!!
So! When nothing was going on in the Harrah's arena, Sessie wanted to know; What's that over there? Can we go, I wanna see????? So, Bonnie took her & Lydia took Drifter around the Expo for a little cruise, & then some quiet time back in their stalls!
Excessorized, really enjoyed her time at the Expo, & is definitely enjoying her grain at the expo barn!!! Gosh! Can you remember back to our first pics of her??? Just goes to show, what some groceries & care can do for these awesome creatures!
Well, we all 'survived' the Expo & all are happy to be home & I know it's been 2 weeks, & this blog is looooong over due! but Dang! we were pooped!!! Yesterday at Safe Haven when the subject of next years Expo, came up.......we all said YES, we're going but let's talk about that tomorrow..............I can't wrap my head around that thought right now!!!!! Safe Haven Horse Rescue WILL be at the Western States Horse Expo, in 2011, & if all turns out, we will be in the very same spot! Building B, booth 2918! Thanks to all the good folks that stopped by to visit & chat! We so do look forward to seeing everyone next year! You can come up to the ranch if you can't wait that long!!!!!! Second Saturday of every month is Volunteer Work Day & we'll make you LUNCH!!! Hope to see you there!!!
Bye for now,
Linda C.
PS. Photos courtesy from L & M Equine Photography, Lisa Lashaway,.......&&&&&.......ME!

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