Wednesday, August 18, 2010

An Up-date from Louie's adopted FAMILY!

Hi there! Here is another Louie update. He is doing great- he has had a lot of fun this summer with horse camp and trail-riding and last weekend Emma showed him in Halter and Showmanship at our county fair - see attached photos of being in the show arena and relaxing later. Because Louie is so cute and personable and also because a lot of horse people knew about Emma loosing Gamil in May, we got to talk to a lot of people and tell them about your wonderful rescue organization! Over the summer we have also gotten to know Louie better: We found out that he LOVES soda - but don't worry, we are not indulging this particular habit. He LOVED being at the fair around all the people and horses and going-ons. I doubt he got much sleep during the 5 days he was there - he was so in to everything.
In other news: he hasn't gained weight as I had hoped so he got his teeth floated (badly needed according to vet) and two infected teeth pulled. The vet said he should be able to chew a lot better and start gaining weight more rapidly. He'll get new shoes next week. And in September he and Emma will be old enough to join the horse chapter of 4H - something we are really looking forward to - we met all the kids and horses from our local chapter at the fair.
So, in short life is good for Louie and Emma!

Thank you, Anna

I just LOVE these success stories! Louie is such a lucky lucky horse! The picture below is such a CLASSIC!
Emma looks SO HAPPY!!!! Louie looks SO CONTENT! Safe Haven Horse Rescue is all about FOR THE LOVE OF HORSES!, & with that love comes this; FOREVER SMILES on a LITTLE GIRL'S FACE & HEART!
Thank you Anna, for the up-date, & for taking such good care of these two! YOU ROCK! ")
Will keep you posted on these two as the up-dates come in!
Bye for now,
Linda C.

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