Friday, April 8, 2011

Colusa County Animal Control delivers the 3 horses!

Colusa County arrived with the three horses about mid afternoon. They could get a halter on the whiter gelding but not the grayer one, so the mare & the gray gelding traveled loose in the trailer. The plan was to put the geldings up in the back pasture, but when it was conveyed to us that he was hard to catch, the plans changed! That is why they were put in this pen instead, we opened the panels of the pen & the trailer was back up to it. We brought the panels to the trailer & opened the trailer door.

This mare was abandoned in the pasture where Colusa Cty Animal Control were holding the geldings for two weeks all ready, so she is behind in the weight dept. The CCAM conveyed that the geldings packed on about 150 pounds or so with the abundant green grass.

OK! Everyone is out of the trailer, we had a oh oh moment when the first 2 were out & the white gelding was all alone in the trailer tied up still! But he did not panic & stayed nice & quiet & awaited his turn to be let out!!! Yeah! Love the cute tail swish!

Scared, & tired, the three horses start to explore their new surroundings.

We pulled the feeder over to the middle of the pen, so there would be access to the food all the way around. We kept an eye on them as we fed, & they all were well mannered & shared their food nicely! That is such a plus! We'll keep an eye on them to make sure the group stays serendipitous with the food. That's about all I can post on them for now, as their saga at Safe Haven is just starting, so we'll keep you up to date on their progress & antics! Oh! Almost forgot, they did not come with any names! Any suggestions?
Bye for now,
Linda C.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i thought Lady for the mare and Cloud and Shadow for the 2 greys.