Friday, September 18, 2009

Lovie.....a former emaciated horse @ Safe Haven

The bay in this picture is Lovie, she is a T/B, who came into Safe Haven, in just about the same condition as our Delta Dawn! I put this picture first, so you all can see her now. This was taken on Labor Day 2009, at Anderson River Park. Holly (her adopted Mom) & Lovie have a very special bond. Look at that pretty butt! This pic was taken within an hour of Lovie arriving at Safe Haven. The people who brought her, dropped her off, & couldn't get out of there fast enough!
This is a shot of her tail bone! This poor baby girl, was beat up & very dirty when she arrived. Bonnie & Sandy gave her a bath right away. The former owners said, that their farrier said, that Lovie did not have enough teeth to eat hay. Well......after her bath, we gave her a little hay & I remember all of us squatting down close to her & we could hear her teeth chewing up those 'groceries' just fine! Linda R. recorded that Lovie did NOT poop for 12 hours after she came in!& we all know that is a serious thing! No GROCERIES= No POOP!!!!! As someone said on the ABR board for Delta Dawn........GRRRRRRR.....

Lovie loves to roll in the sand in the arena, some times she can't make up her to wether she wants to run or roll first!!!

The vet is coming out to Safe Haven see Delta Dawn .....Candy....& Drifter, so I must get it in gear. Just wanted to show you, Lovie & tell you about her success her story.
Bye for now,
Linda C.

1 comment:

Holly Hawes said...

My pretty baby! We had a great time at Anderson River till Lovie had to go and get a tummy ache! But a vet trip later she is her usual feisty self!