Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Saturdays are busy, busy, busy!!!!

The Saturday after Thanksgiving, was a BUSY one at Safe Haven Horse Rescue!!! Rumtata (T/B) was fussing w/ Bailey (Appy) over the fence of their pens &&&& Rummy caught her foot in the fence"/ & pulled off her new shoe!!!! so Bailey's Mom, Tracey, & Rummy's Sponsor, Kathy, went to work to replace the old non-climb fencing & replaced it with a 'pig panel'. They worked very hard at replacing that section of fence so our Rummy would be safe!!! Girl Power!
I missed a couple of 'chores' that were done; there was a new panel pen put up, a pony brought over to the ranch, the tractor was out & being used, & a few other things I didn't get pics of! Sorry!

This is Lovey's old pen, that we have moved, & now there's a t-post to be pulled out, Ryan did it!!! & Cori & Bonnie are figuring out the easiest way to move the mats to her new bigger pen!!!Looks like there is a wheelbarrow going by in the background with some 'golden' apples in it!!!!! Good Job!
Ryan & Cindi are checking out the mat situation too!! That's the t-post puller Ryan has in his hands!!

Well, Dang! this pic was actually suppose to be before the mat pics "/ Anyhoo! Everybody picked up the shelter & tarp that was in Lovey's old pen, & moved it to the new one! Brought in a railroad tie to help hold down the tarp!! Oh, & there is Rick's tractor in the background of this one!!!

We decided to take the most of the old tarp off of the shelter, because it really needs to be replaced, so we only left enough for a little shade & cover from the rain. Nice Duct tape job on the tarp there Ryan! Duct tape is a VERY important tool at Safe Haven Horse Rescue!!! We use a lot of it! Linda R. has gone to every pen w/ duct tape & put on each pen what that horse gets for feed. Really is helpful too! We have lot's & lot's of horses ....so it's a mental exercise to remember all that they get, cuz each one is fed according to their own personal needs!!! Sixty horses that's a lot of 'needs' to remember!!!
Before we could work on the pen we had to put Stormy in another pen, she is still shy of people :( & it takes awhile to get her to let you catch her! Bonnie is going very slow with her, & Ryan's the Blocker!
Bonnie succeeds in putting the lead rope on Stormy ( knew she would) & will lead her to another pen w/ less activity, Stormy gets very nervous, & we think she will always be that way, she just doesn't get that we want to be her friend! that's so sad. Makes a person wonder how she was treated in the past! Poor Baby Girl!

We also had some 'new parents' come to take their new Mini's home! They have SEVEN children, & have adopted Notion & Dandy for their children to take care of & love!!! Notion & Dandy love children & should be very happy. Will post pics of them & theirs, when they send them. Dandy is the little one, & Notion is the one w/ the 'sheepdog' hair-do!

Safe Haven's board member, Steve Hood, came over to transport the mini's to their new home! Steve moves alot of horse for Safe Haven & is available to move yours too! Call Safe Haven & we will get you in touch w/ Steve!
While us adults, were working, there was happy horses in the arena, & few girls riding in the arena too. I just love this picture of Bonnie's Flower!!! She is being silly w/ her lips!!! Isn't that a kick!!!

Delta Dawn, found a nice sunny spot in her pen & decided it was the time for a little nap! Awhhh...

While Delta Dawn was snoozin'...... Lydia was exercising Gypsy in the arena.....Gypsy is an Arabian mare & is up for adoption too. Lyd, likes her alot & she is a nice ride!
Samantha was also exercising her Arabian mare that was adopted for her last Christmas!!! Sam & Gracie make a very good pair! Way to go SAM!
When all the riding was over, we put more horses out for a romp!!! Good Ole' Drifter, had a nice 'roll & romp' ! He is a very nice horse & is a permanent resident at Safe Haven! Ryan! are you exercising Splash or is she exercising you? LOL! (look under D's neck & you'll catch a little bit of Splash)

As they say on.......... Facebook............Flower & Splash are now friends!!!!!!

Hi Willow! Willow is a kill pen rescue!!!!!!! Saved by the most awesome horse friend , Shirley Puga & her helpers. Willow is being assessed right now, but more than likely she will be available for adoption too, we'll let ya know in a few weeks! I like her alot! Good Ground Manners!

After the pen was secured, & the shelter moved, & the tarp 'adjusted' & the mats moved, it was time for Stormy to come back to her pen! This time Kathy, did the honors of moving Stormy. Kathy has spent alot of time w/ Stormy over the last year too.
After her fun ride on Gypsy, Lydia cleaned her pen &&&&& then she cleaned Lizzie Anne's pen !!!
Way to go Lydia!!!! Little Lizzie Anne is so cute! She's over there helping Lyd tie her boot!
Lizzie Anne wanted to be in on all the poop scoopin' action! I think she said she'd help if she had a thumb! Gosh! That is gonna be one Beau-Ti-ful horse! Just look at her!!!

Lizzie Anne says let me see & smell that Lydia!!!!
Nice big scoop, there Lyd! Wheelbarrow pretty full too! What Lyd doesn't know yet....it has a flat tire "/ She really got a 'workout' pushing that to the manure pile!!!!
Lydia ended her 'scooping' session with a bit of "HUGGIN' ON A HORSE" Lizzie Anne enjoyed the love,,LOOK.....she's smiling!!!!!!
Safe Haven Horse Rescue is such a wonderful place! The horses need our help, But, by Golly, us humans that volunteer out there, come away with much more than we give.....we achieve; Peace, Self-esteem, a Sense of Belonging to something so Large & Precious, that we find it hard to express!!! Guess you'll have to come out to experience it for yourselves!!!!! Ya'll will be welcome anytime!
Bye for now,
Linda C.

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