Monday, November 1, 2010

Three more saved from SLAUGHTER!

Okay, this is the pregnant mare, Linda was told that she is due in Feb. or March! That's a relief! Linda was worried that we wouldn't have much time to get her up on her weight & in better condition before she gave birth! Wonder what the baby will be? Will she be a paint also?? Guess I'm assuming we're having a filly!!!

This is the bay Arabian mare. She certainly could use some steady groceries! Look at those ribs! Oh, just wait till you get home to Safe Haven, Baby Girl! You'll be SO VERY HAPPY! She looks like she has a very kind eye. Can't wait to give her Treats, & Food, & LOVE! It will take a little bit, for her to realize what a wonderful place, she has been taken to, But it won't take too long before she's a talkin' & a callin' for her share of treats & attention & FOOD! 

This is the Arabian gelding of the group, you certainly can see his ribs too!!! Rick gave him a carrot upon their arrival, & he couldn't chew it!!!! Linda says that he is a good candidate for the 'magic mush'. The man that brought them to Susanville, from Fallon, said that he was getting 'run' off of the food, so they eventually moved him to a pen of his own to eat.  I'll keep ya posted on his condition as to; does he just need his teeth floated or is he a musher for the rest of his life! The three horses will need to be caught up on all the vaccines, 4-way, West Nile, & Rabies, they will need to be wormed, 'psylliumed', see the Farrier, & the Vet too!!!  They will also need some blankets, Waterproof, & Breathable, Winter Blankets! It takes a village, as they say! Safe Haven is in need of those kind of blankets as we have found out that a BUNCH of our blankets have LOST the Waterproofing on them!   So if by chance YOU have one to spare.......Safe Haven will put it to good use! Thank You in advance! I'll be back with more news on the newbies, as I am feeding this afternoon & should be there when they arrive! Bye for now, Linda C.

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