Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Ginger gave birth to a baby filly about 6am today, Wed. Feb 24, 2010! Steve was there to help if she needed it! & here's the Very First Pic of Her!!!!!! She's so cute!!!! Her legs are so long...that Linda R. says she could be half T/B! Steve had to help her find the teat this morning.
You can see Mello, in the background, & she is due next!!!! Gonna have babies coming out our ears!!! Awww....she is just a bundle of CUTE! &&&&&&..................

she's all ready a fiest!!! Look at her here tuckin' her butt to BUCK!! AGAIN!! OMG!!! that's cute! OK, after that little show of independence,,,,, Linda R. said that we better get a halter on her now!! We gave Ginger some breakfast, & went to get halters & lead ropes!
Tracey went in with Ginger, as she has worked very hard with her since she arrived at Safe Haven! Ginger can see that halter! & we can see the whites of those Appy eyes of hers!!!
Tracey went slowly so as not to spook Ginger, & avoiding a knocked down little baby! So baby had a drink & Ginger let Tracey closer!
Good Girl Ginger!!! Tracey is getting the halter on Ginger & we're Thankful, she is doing good!Baby girl is still having some breakfast!Nice pats & sweet words to Ginger after Tracey got the halter on her!!!
Now that we can control Mom, we can start to gather up the baby....

More pats, & kind words, to our new Mom........She so wants to please, & most often she does!

I was at Safe Haven to feed the horses this morning, & they were all saying are we gonna have Breakfast OR Brunch!!!! So at this point, I leave to 'get on it'!! So there is a whole series of pics that I missed & they will be on a blog tomorrow!!! Right after Tracey & Lisa send some to me!!!
You'll be able to see if there was a 'rodeo' to get the blanket on this pretty little package! LOL!!!
Such a FACE!!! So what should we Do about a name???????? Open for suggestions!!!!!
Bye for now,
Linda C.

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